Unmade/Remade I (In Progress/Failed), Canvas and Stretcher
20x20cm Canvas Unpicked and Separated into its 'Horizontal' and 'Vertical' Threads, Framed Canvas Threads
20x20cm Canvas Unpicked and Wrapped, Canvas
Found Things (Tower), Materials Unknown (Plaster & Cardboard?)
This is a very new work which I included on a whim really. It is not about the materials of painting at all, but is formed from a few objects I found and have been keeping in my studio for a while, thinking they fit, maybe just because of the colour. It felt quite liberating just to throw it in, and a lot of people were asking about it.
As usual through conversations I found out what I liked about the objects and why I have been keeping them; they seem to suggest materiality and 'thingness' without actually referencing real-world objects, and I haven't made them so they seem to have been formed rather than made. It's a thoroughly satisfying 'thing'.
Study VI of 20x20cm Canvas Unpicked and Wrapped, Emulsion, Lukas IV Oil Medium and Pencil on Paper
These drawings are quite difficult to photograph as they are so pale (better images will be on my website soon). I love them though. Maybe I shouldn't say that about my own work, but particularly with the drawings of 20x20cm Canvas Unpicked and Wrapped, I love making them and they are exactly the kind of drawings I think are very beautiful; quite subtle and pale and not really of anything commonly recognisable.
Stitched Chip from Unmade/Remade I (I), Canvas and Paper
I enjoyed watching people's reactions to the work. For some people its just not their thing, and they walk in and straight out, which is fair enough. Other people laugh and you can see they think it is a load of crap (even though they try to pretend otherwise!) which again is completely fair. Then there are a few people who take the time to look, figure out what is going on and either chat amongst themselves or to me. I only make for myself really but it is really gratifying to have conversations with strangers who are excited, interested and completely understand what you're trying to do.