Tuesday 9 November 2010

Project Space VI

 Project Space VI

 Canvas, Lukas IV oil medium, Fishing line, Staples.

This is Project Space VI, made last week. The work stretches from a pipe, near the floor under the window, at one side of the room; and the top of the wall under a high, narrow window at the other side of the room. There is a walk-through intersecting the room at right angles to the work. This means everyone who walks through the space has to either duck under or step over the piece. The large white paper installation hanging from the ceiling is by Vicki Ley and the foil sculptures are Olivis Rowlatt's work. 

 Project Space VI is harking back to previous works in that it is cutting up space and so forcing the viewer to interact with and encounter the work. However there are faults with the piece. The main one being that the canvas lines poured with Lukas IV have merely become a tool for cutting up the space. Which is a result of having exploited this format too much I think. The process and making of the work has become a means to an end; rather than an intrinsic part of the work which is possibly more important than the finished product.

The work was successful at showing the mark of the viewer though. These images show how undetectable and almost invisible Project Space VI is. This makes the work a little disconcerting for viewers who walk through the space. The canvas threads which have jumped up and clung to the fishing wire and each other; shown in the image above, have done so because someone tripped over the fishing wire when the Lukas IV medium was still drying. The tangled threads are jarring in comparison to the regimented lines of the unaltered threads.