Monday 3 September 2012

Graffiti Squares

I love these Graffiti Squares. You see them everywhere. Paintings made from a push and pull tussle between graffiti artists (not sure thats the right term here really but you know what I mean) and those who paint over the graffiti (maybe they own the wall, or live opposite and have to look at it, or maybe its the council? Who knows). In the end you get these fantastic patchwork walls. No tags, but not a clean wall either. It ends up a sort of timeline and map of all the graffiti. Definitely a collaborative painting.

I love the idea of a group of kids wandering along and tagging walls one evening, then the over-painter walking along a day or two later *annoyed argh* thinking s/he'll have to sort that later, ill do it tomorrow. Rummaging through the garage (got some of that wall paint here somewhere, this'll have to do) Either its the right colour but the wall itself has aged and is a little dirty, or its a slightly wrong colour, or its a new tin but matched up as well as you're going to get. Then s/he doesn't paint the whole wall, but a little rectangle just over the graffiti itself. Not a clean wall, but no graffiti. Everybody wins. Repeat if required.